I’ve just start weaning my baby boy and after scrolling through the internet for what seems like months I’ve come up with a plan.
I’ve come up with the table below from information on the NHS and will introduce foods slowly using the 4 day method to test for allergies. If you don’t know what this is, it’s quite simple. You stick to one food for 4 days to see if your baby is having a reaction and if they don’t you can move onto the next food.

For the first few weeks I will be using Puree and spoon-feeding my little one until we think he is ready to try feed himself. I will be sticking with formula top ups after a meal and also making sure he still has his bottles throughout the day.
He is teething at the moment so weaning has becoming a slight challenge. He has decided to have 2 back to back bottles before he goes to bed at night, he does still sleep from 9pm through to 7am thankfully. We are doing 1 bowl of puree in the morning for his 2nd feed of the day and then another bowl of puree halfway through the afternoon.
Baby weaning felt like a mountain to get my head around but it’s starting to come together with preparation. Batch cooking will be a blessing. For his first few meals I have peeled, boiled and drained then blended different fruits. So far his favourite is pear, apple and banana. I am going to try strawberry next as he loves the strawberry Calpol.
I wanted to do a mix of puree and baby led weaning so I will be introducing finger foods within the next month and he is already trying to grab any food I eat.

Batch Cooking (Puree)
Batch cooking can save so much time with baby led weaning and one of the ways I save time is with the baby weaning pouch system, you pour in your blended fruit or veg and then press down on the plunger and fill up the reusable pouches.
When I need to freeze baby food I have been using the Nuk freezer tray, bpa free and silicone it has made getting only one block of food out so much easier than fiddling around with a plastic tray.